The UIC Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health provides financial assistance specifically for MPH and PhD students in maternal and child health programs. This special funding is available through the DHHS Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the Irving B. Harris Foundation. Student support includes a limited number of assistantships, scholarships, and travel awards.
Students in MPH and PhD maternal and child health programs are also eligible for scholarships and awards through the UIC School of Public Health.
Scholarship and funding quick links Heading link
Specific scholarships and funding for Maternal and Child Health students Heading link
Sponsored by the Irving Harris Foundation, each year, three scholars are selected among incoming MPH in Maternal and Child Health and MPH in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology students. Among the three, one student will be selected as an Irving Harris Early Childhood Scholar.
Each scholar receives a tuition waiver and monthly stipend during their fall and spring semesters of their first year (spring semester is contingent on good academic standing in the fall).
- Scholars receive leadership coaching;
- Scholars are eligible for professional development funding (conferences, workshops);
- Scholars have the opportunity to work closely with faculty and staff on projects, ultimately developing relationships with individuals who are leaders in the maternal and child health field.
More information about assistantships can be found on the Graduate College website.
Scholar Requirements
Students must complete their MPH program in Maternal and Child Health or Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology and remain in good academic standing each semester.
Scholars attend at least two leadership coaching sessions during their time in the MPH program and must participate in the Maternal and Child Health Student Interest Group.
During a scholar’s first year in the MPH program, scholars will work with faculty and staff on a variety of curricular, technical assistance, leadership and/or research projects. Generally, this amounts to 10 hours per week while classes are in session.
Renewal of the scholarship for the spring semester is contingent on successfully completing hours and assigned tasks and projects in the first semester.
Additional requirements for the Early Childhood Scholar
The following experiences/opportunities must be focused on early childhood issues:
- Applied Practice Experience
- Projects and assignments within MCH core courses
- Select one elective focused on early childhood through UIC’s Early Childhood Program
Application Process
Information about this opportunity will be sent to all incoming students who are accepted into the Maternal and Child Health MPH programs. Interested students are required to contact the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health to be considered for the scholarship.
SOPHAS applications will be reviewed for consideration, and selected students will participate in an interview process.
The application for the upcoming school year will be shared soon. For more information contact .
Each year, two students admitted to either the MPH in Maternal and Child Health or MPH in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology programs will be selected as Maternal and Child Health MPH Scholars. These students are chosen carefully by a faculty committee on the basis of their research or career interests, accomplishments, and passion for Maternal and Child Health, which is defined broadly as reproductive and non-reproductive health of women as well as the health of infants, children, and adolescents including children with special health care needs.
Maternal and Child Health Scholars receive:
- $2,000-$5,000 stipend
- Mentorship from faculty
- Funding for travel to conferences and other relevant meetings
- Leadership coaching
Scholars are required to complete the MPH program in Maternal and Child Health or Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology and remain in good academic standing each semester.
Application Process
Information about this opportunity will be sent to all incoming students who are accepted into the Maternal and Child Health MPH programs. Interested students are required to contact the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health to be considered for the scholarship.
SOPHAS applications will be reviewed for consideration. For more information contact .
Each year, PhD students from the Community Health Sciences division who choose to pursue a doctoral degree that focuses on the health and well-being of women, children, or families can be selected as a Maternal and Child Health PhD Scholar. Maternal and Child Health is broadly defined to include the health of women not only related to reproductive health and child-bearing. These students are chosen carefully by a faculty committee on the basis of their research interests, accomplishments, and passion for maternal and child health.
Scholars receive:
- A $2,000-$5,000 stipend
- Mentorship from faculty
- Funding for travel to conferences and other relevant meetings
- Leadership coaching
Curriculum Requirements
As a scholar the student agrees to follow the Community Health Sciences PhD curriculum with the following adaptations for Maternal and Child Health students:
- Two Maternal and Child Health core courses if the scholar does not hold an MPH in Maternal and Child Health or Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology.
- One Maternal and Child Health-oriented analytic course (such as CHSC/EPID 518 Epidemiology of Pediatric Diseases, CHSC 545 Reproductive and Perinatal Health) as part of meeting Community Health Sciences analytic and methods requirements.
- Completion of one to two Maternal and Child Health electives, which can include core courses.
- Completion of a maternal and child health-oriented dissertation.
Selection process
- Candidates will be identified during the admissions process.
- PhD students who have been admitted into the division of Community Health Sciences will receive information about this opportunity with their letter of acceptance. Those who are interested must contact the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health at
- After a list of potential candidates has been compiled, the candidates’ SOPHAS applications will be reviewed and each candidate will likely be asked to participate in an interview to aid in the selection process.
All students in MPH and PhD maternal and child health programs are eligible for support stipends each semester. Applications will be emailed to all students each semester. The amounts awarded will vary based on student eligibility and need.
Irving Harris Student Support Stipend
Funds are used to support conference attendance and professional development opportunities.
Maternal and Child Health Bureau Student Support Stipend
Funds are used to support student scholarships as well as conference attendance and professional development opportunities. Please note this type of support is only available to U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents due to grant requirements.
This award is presented annually to one student in the MPH in Maternal and Child Health or MPH in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology program who presents a poster at the annual SPH Student Research Forum and Awards Day. A panel of judges determines the candidate who will receive the award. The candidate receives $250. The research project must address a maternal and child health topic, utilize appropriate research methods, provide evidence of supporting data and present a conceptual framework.
Special funding is available for doctoral students in the PhD in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology track that have passed their preliminary exams. The amount of the award varies depending on the availability of funding.
This scholarship fund was established in memory of Dr. Loretta Pratt Lacey, a nationally renowned alumna and faculty member of the UIC School of Public Health. The fund supports students of African-American origin or descent whose area of study focuses on women’s health. Master and doctoral level students are eligible to apply.