MCH Job Opportunities
This page serves as a resource for current and former MCH students as well as community partners looking for job opportunities and postdoctoral fellowships in the maternal and child health field. New opportunities are posted as they are received, so check back on a regular basis for updates. Postings will be removed weekly based on the noted deadlines or a month after the posting date. The CoE-MCH may not receive updates when the position has been filled, so we recommend applying as close to the posting date as possible.
Opportunities on this page will be specific to maternal and child health, and are available to both UIC students as well as external MCH community members. For UIC students looking for additional university resources specifically available to them, please visit our Careers landing page for more information.
This project is partially supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number T76MC00009 with an annual award totaling $547,250. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.
Click here to jump to the Postdoctoral Positions at the bottom of the page.

Post positions on the MCH Job Board! Heading link
If you are interested in posting an opportunity on the MCH Job Board, please email your posting to When possible, please include a link to the application as well as the deadline to apply.

Land a job you found on the MCH Job Board? Let us know! Heading link
Please complete this brief form if you were able to move forward with a job opportunity that you found on the MCH Job Board.
MCH-Focused Positions Heading link
All maternal and child health focused positions, except those specific to candidates with doctoral degrees, are shared in the section below.
Week of March 4th Heading link
Week of February 17 Heading link
Week of February 10 Heading link
Postdoctoral Positions Heading link
Positions specific to candidates with doctoral degrees are shared in the section below.