Masks for Moms

Masks for MOMS Campaign Success Heading link
As COVID-19 cases surged in early 2020, representatives from a dozen Chicago and Illinois maternal and child health (MCH) organizations launched the Masks for MOMS campaign in April 2020. The Masks for MOMs campaign engaged partners from hospitals, federally qualified health centers, social service providers, and other community-based organizations to stay abreast of local needs and establish priorities for mask distribution.
From April- December 2020, Masks for MOMs distributed approximately 22,000 masks from over 150 volunteers. Masks were provided to a total of 40 community health centers, hospitals, and outreach events, with a priority of pregnant and postpartum persons in communities with high COVID-19 positivity rate. At this time, the campaign is suspended. We will be keeping a close eye and ear to community need for masks and may restart in 2022 if needed.
A sincere thank you to the volunteers who supported this campaign! We are humbled by your thoughtfulness and enthusiasm to help.
Masks for MOMS: COVID-19 Response Heading link
Living through COVID-19 has been scary for all of us, but especially for those who are pregnant. To help make it a little less scary, Masks for MOMS wants to get reusable cloth face masks to the moms and moms-to-be who need them in the Chicago-land area. The aim of the Masks for MOMS campaign is to ensure that pregnant people and people in labor and delivery have access to face masks at their prenatal visits and when they arrive at hospitals for delivery.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing masks where social distancing may be challenging to maintain to help slow the spread of illness. By working together, we can support pregnant Illinoisans and reduce the anxiety of going to doctors’ appointments or the other necessary errands, especially if using public transportation. Even though masks don’t provide absolute protection from COVID-19, all individuals are encouraged by the CDC to wear masks when they leave their homes. People attending prenatal care visits in person and those about to give birth will also benefit from the reduced stress that is likely to come from wearing a mask in their interactions with their prenatal care providers.
While some people in Chicagoland (Chicago and its suburbs/surrounding counties) will have access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) because they are receiving care at larger better resourced health care centers and hospitals, many do not have such access. We are partnering with community-based clinics and strategic community sites to make them available during in-person clinician visits and labor and delivery.
Click here for more information about Masks for Moms and how the campaign works
THANK YOU to our MANY DONORS! Heading link
Individual Donors
Individual Donors
AaQuilah Ali
Abigail Young (Burns)
Adeline Harrison
Allison Linne
Allyson Esperancilla
Alma Billmayer
Alondra Gomez
Alyssa Alfaro
Alyssa Lynne
Angela Kang
Amanda Ripperger
Amy Levin
Andrea Magri
Ann Berry
Anna Millan
Anne Gelman
Anne Krantz
Ariel Thomas
Arielle Sylvester
Bhavani Moodabagil
Belinda D. Lambert
Bethany Eiffert
Bethany Elston
Betsy Covell
Bev Slavitt
Brandi Gustafik
Brenda Ford
Brenda Silverman
Carol Burke
Cathy Gress
Cathy Davis
Cindy Budek
Cindy Deyhle
Cathy Davis
Cheska Zoleta
Cherryshe Sinfuego
Chris Smith
Christine Johnson
Christine Stapanski
Christy Wang
Cindy Budke
Cindy Deyhle
Claire Swedberg
Clarisse Tiu
Claudia Morales
Cris Novak
Danielle Morales-Klima
Diana Lee
Diana Purici
Diana Welch
Debbie Deitke
Deborah Kinzer
Deborah Montgomery
Debra Morrow
Della Bea
Denise Elsman
Diana Lee
Diana Welch
Desiree Glass
Doris Hernandez
Edison Weng
Eleanor Sheers
Elizabeth Coon
Emily King
Emily Osborne
Emily Tamblyn
Ephraim Ampo
Erica Pascal
Erika Clifford
Esperanza Salto
Franciene Aposaga
Genoveva Moreno
Gillian Delaney
Ginny Rogers
Grace Cielak
Graham Britton
Gregg Sparks
Gwendolyn Allen Morrison
Hannah B. Widlus
Hannah McDowell
Haezi Jung
Herminia Garcia
Holly Grason
Isabel Gehrig
Ivette Fernandez
Jae Choi Kim
Jan Anderson
Jane Andreyko
Jane Carten
Alpha New Beginning Baptist Church
American Airlines
Chicago Mask Makers
Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago
March of Dimes
National Safety Apparel, Toby Bielenberg
New Life Today Church, Bishop Pamela Lawrence
Novias Dávila, Tania Davila & Pat Navarro
Padres Angeles
Rest in His Arms
Sandy Squillo, Clarendon Hills Cares
Sewing Masks for a Safe Chicago, Erika Clifford
Student Nurses’ Association (UIC Chapter)
TresMimi, Jill Weeks
Wintrust Bank
Zeta Amicae of Alsip Illinois, Belinda D. Lambert
Individual Donors 2
Jane Li
Janet Ahn
Janet Clark
Janet Keating
Janice Lamb
Janice Rodriguez
JB Becker
Jeanette Weider
Jennefer Folsom
Jennifer Buehrer
Jennifer Bullman
Jennifer Lee
Jennifer Navarro
Jerry Ramos
Jessenia Nunez
Jessica Kowalczyk
Jill Weeks
Johanna Graves
Josh Mendoza
Juju Kesselring
Judy Hill
Judy Mantel
Julie Montgomery
Julie Moon
Julie Wong
Julieta Ballena
Justin Padayhag
Kailey May Ardales
Karen Kasich
Karla Carreon
Kasia Zyglowicz
Kate Doyle
Katherina Garza
Kathleen Farrell
Kathleen Simovtis
Kathy Buccini
Kathy Schaefer
Kathy A. Thomas
Kathryn Almeda
Kathryn Connell
Kathryn Kenyon
Kelli Bosak
Kelly Fox
Kelsey Ganser
Kim Freeark
Kimberly Smith
Kristin Hanson
Kristin R Imberger
Kristy Liu
Lanz Orpilla
Laura Bolesta
Laura Helfert
Laura Nguyen
Lauren Dixon
Lauren Ryan
Leslie Grayson
Leslie Schroeder
Leslie Travis
Lillian Park
Linda Pieczynski
Lindsey Bullen
Lisa Moes
Lisa Petersen
Maddie Miranda
Mai Lu
Maranda Powers
Marc Szulc-Cieplicki
Margaret Redlich
Marge Czop
Maria & Francesca Zajczenko-Varela
Maria Eroza
Maria Vuolo-Milan
Mariam Dolidze
Marie Hieronymus
Markierra White
Marlene Rios
Marsha Bond
Marveya Gorostieta
Mary Hoepf
Mary Herman
Mary Lhotak
Mary Murtaugh
Mary Osborn
Marybeth Osowski
Mary Pattillo
Mary E Wadleigh
Mary Edda Holicky
Meg Dedolph
Megan Fernandez
Melissa Frazin
Individual Donors 3
Melissa Kapheim
Michel Rosenthal
Michelle Harned
Modena Wilson
Molly Fort
Monica Bullard
Monica Ruiz
Monica Sageman
Monique Omoregie
Munkhjargal Dashdorji
Nabiha Javed
Nancy Burrow
Nancy Gardner
Nancy Gonzalez
Nancy Rose
Naomi Powers
Natalia Makswd
Nedra ONeill
Nicole Haley
Olivia Sappenfield
Nikki Magnuson
Pablo Torres
Paola Torres
Patricia Camara
Patricia Hickey
Pat Garcia
Pat Hopson
Patricia Campbell
Phyllis Croswell
Phylliss Martin-Rice
Priscilla Balderas
Punam Kafle
Rebecca & Donna Wright
Rebekah Philippart
Renata Grzeskowiak
Renee Maeweather- Reed
Renee Osher
Renee Purdy
Representative Robyn Gabel
Rita R. Nielsen
Robyn Gabel
Rochelle (Shelly) Cousineau
Rosemary Martin
Ryan Chin
Sally Carson
Sandra Venturoni
Sara Rolen
Sarah E Campbell
Sarah Lomahan
Sarah Hanson
Shannon Wilson
Sharon McGuire
Sheri Hunt
Sherry A Perry
Sherry Jo Baehr
Shirley Fleming
Skyla Hearn
Sophy Kim
Stacie Kerfin
Steffany Bahamon
Stephanie Hoover
Stephanie Woo
Sue Manos
Sumana Posa
Susan Allen
Susan Illingworth
Susan Schulenberg
Suzanne Summerville
Suzanne Yellen
Sydney Nielsen
Tara Jablonski
Tara McCarthy
Tayo Mbande
Terry Parker
Toby Bielenberg
Vernetta Murray
Victoria Rowels
Virginia Reising
Virginia Rogers
Wendy Greehouse
Yaqui Valle
Zhaleh Naghibzadeh

Current Community Partner Sites:
- Chicago Family Health Center
- Christian Community Health Center
- Esperanza Health Centers
- Mile Square Health Center- South Shore UI Health
- Access Madison Family Health Center
- PCC Wellness Center
- PrimeCare Community Health
- City of Evanston
- Access Blue Island Family Health Center
- Family Christian Health Center